Wake AHEC Upcoming Continuing Education / Continuing Professional Development / Medical Education Program and Course Listing
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05/18/2024 Saturday
8:00 AM

UNC REX NC Surgery - Diagnostic Evaluation and Treatment of Surgical Disorders for the Primary Care Provider

Surgical diagnosis is an old but constantly evolving exercise which places significant pressure on the primary care practitioner in a progressively shortening timeframe. Additionally, the state of the art for surgical treatment of these disorders is an evolving form depending on the practice patterns and training of your local practitioners. This educational event will provide guidance for diagnostic evaluation as well as management modalities for common issues encountered by the primary care practitioner.
Audience - Internal Medicine & Family Practice Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners and Registered Nurses
05/20/2024 Monday
9:00 AM

Clinical Supervision: Basics and Beyond

As many seasoned clinicians work with the newest and youngest generation of mental health clinicians and trainees, many supervisors have had little or no experience with supervision training. While supervision is similar to therapy in many ways, it is a different relationship with unique roles and characteristics. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an overview of the issues, skills, and competencies needed for clinical supervision. The topics covered will include ethical issues, models of supervision, and processes of the supervisory relationship.
Audience - Supervisors and Managers who work in health, public health, parent education, mental health, or substance abuse.
1:00 PM

Providing Feedback and Coaching to Support Skill Development

How can supervision be positive, strengths based, and hold people to high standards? This workshop supports supervisors and managers in expanding their abilities to develop the skills of staff and volunteers via feedback and coaching. Together we’ll explore multiple models of feedback, examine which would suit your team, identify effective communication to develop intrinsic motivation to change, and practice providing each other with positive and constructive feedback to develop familiarity and comfort.
Audience - Supervisors and Managers who work in health, public health, parent education, mental health, or substance abuse.
05/21/2024 Tuesday
9:00 AM

Trauma-Informed Clinical Supervision: Guiding Principles and Essential Skills

This training will provide supervisors with a foundational understanding of how to provide clinical supervision with an emphasis on trauma-informed practices and enhancing supervisee wellness (e.g., reducing secondary traumatic stress). Participants will learn about key content areas including the long-term effects that trauma can have on biological, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal domains; the theoretical model of adaptation to trauma; as well as resilience and posttraumatic growth processes. Participants will learn to apply trauma-informed principles of safety, trust, collaboration, choice, and attention to privilege, discrimination, and oppression to supervision. Supervisors will learn a framework for addressing patient mistreatment of supervisees (e.g., patient harassment, discriminatory comments). Trauma-informed supervision emphasizes supervisee wellness and integrates attention to burnout, empathic strain, secondary traumatic stress, and moral distress. Trauma-informed supervisors need to apply skills in supervision that support supervisee emotion regulation and recovery from secondary trauma exposure. Dr. Zerubavel will teach participants skills for prevention and mitigation of secondary traumatic stress and discuss how to integrate these skills into supervision. We will discuss how supervisors navigate boundaries between supervision role and counseling role while helping supervisees with wellness challenges including burnout, empathic strain, secondary traumatic stress, and moral distress. We will attend to managing clinical supervision topics including supervisee trauma history, mental health difficulties, and reactions to patients with interpersonal difficulties.
Audience - Behavioral health supervisors or managers or professionals seeking supervisor credentials
05/22/2024 Wednesday
9:00 AM

**FILLED** Family Navigation: Cultural Considerations When Working With Families Who Have Children With Disabilities
* Filled - Registration not open *

The educational activity will provide an overview on the state of family navigation and peer navigation supports in NC and first-hand accounts of what it means to families. The new, FREE online NC Family Navigation Guide (ncfamilynavigation.org) will be showcased with practical strategies for its use. The guide was developed by the North Carolina Navigating Care Project, with the support of HRSA grant #H6MMC33235. The North Carolina Family Navigation Guide supports health care professionals in working with families to find appropriate resources and services for the child and family. Cultural considerations for working with families who represent diverse cultures will be a theme across all presentations, which will culminate with a panel of representatives across a range of cultural groups sharing their perspectives on common cultural barriers and suggestions for working with diverse families. The educational activity will not be recorded. Due to the participatory nature of the program, a computer, laptop or tablet with audio and video capabilities is strongly encouraged.
Audience - Early Intervention Specialists, Speech Language Pathologists, Speech Language Pathology Assistants, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Social Workers, Family Navigators, Service Coordinators, Children's Developmental Services Agency (CDSA) staff, those who work in Home Health and those who work with families of children with disabilities ages birth to eight. Family members are welcome to attend.
9:00 AM

Building Counselor Competencies in Clinical Supervision
* Closed - Registration not open *

Clinical supervisors have an important role to play in the professional development of newly licensed counselors, and bear responsibility for the competency of counselor’s they supervise. In this training, participants will become familiar with the research on specific counseling competencies and skills linked to positive outcomes in therapy. Common mistakes related to a lack of knowledge, skill, and clinical experience will also be reviewed in this training, along with approaches and interventions to address them in supervision. Participants will learn and practice effective methods to monitor and track counselor performance and competency and identify and address any deficits. Information about ways to set collaborative supervision goals and help supervisee’s reach individualized goals will also be reviewed. Resources will be provided that can help clinical supervisors assess supervisee’s baseline skill and competency level, identify and bridge gaps in knowledge and skill, and monitor progress and performance on an ongoing basis. Participants will leave the training equipped with knowledge of what the most important counselor competencies are, ways to assess and monitor them, and specific interventions and approaches to address deficits and improve clinical skill sets.
Audience - Behavioral health supervisors or managers or professionals seeking supervisor credentials
05/23/2024 Thursday
9:00 AM

Ethics in Supervision of Dual-Licensed Clinicians

As the opioid crisis has demanded greater coordination of care and application of resources in North Carolina, agencies, service-delivery systems, universities, and professional organizations have responded with a greater emphasis on dual-licensed clinicians who are prepared to address the intersection of substance use and mental health disorders. With this commitment to integrated care, however, comes greater challenges of navigating the overlapping and conflicting standards of training and supervision for clinicians seeking the LCSW and LCAS credentials in North Carolina. This training will take an in-depth look at the ethical standards of training, supervision, and practice for the conjunction of these and other masters-level credentials in our state.
Audience - This program is for social workers, addiction specialists, supervisors, managers and any other human service professional who could benefit.
05/24/2024 Friday
9:00 AM

Fostering Identity in Clinical Supervision: The Importance of Cultural Humility
* Closed - Registration not open *

This workshop will assist clinicians from various backgrounds and training levels in becoming more aware of the impacts of their own cultural identity on the supervisory relationship. We will also be exploring how to support other clinicians in recognizing the impact of culture and the influence this has on the therapeutic relationship and in the supervision.
Audience - Behavioral health supervisors
05/29/2024 Wednesday
1:00 PM

Faculty Development 2024: Intervention Strategies in Response to Academic Violence and Bullying: Motivational Interviewing Focus
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

This is the second program in the 2024 live webinar series for faculty development. This program will be offered in a two part workshop. Part 1:Theoretical framework Part 2: Application of the model to one’s own setting Each part will be 2 hours in length. This workshop provides a framework as well as realistic hope and practical approaches (e.g., survival handbooks for victims and bystanders). Throughout the workshop, case studies, exercises, and appendices will assist the participant in applying the model with a focus on Motivational Interviewing (MI) techniques. The first workshop will be primarily lecture and the second one will focus on application. The registration fee includes an electronic copy of the book “Academic Violence and Bullying of Faculty” authored by Geri Miller from Appalachian State University. This electronic version grants perpetual access, allowing you to reference and utilize the content as needed.
Audience - Nurse educators across all levels of nursing education.
05/31/2024 Friday
9:00 AM

Medical Emergencies: An Update for Allied Dental Team Members

This course is designed to review basic principles of reducing risk factors, identifying signs and symptoms and rendering fast, effective treatment for selected emergency situations. Case studies will be reviewed to help participants understand how to deal with patients who present with syncope, postural hypotension, cardiac events, diabetic reactions, allergic reactions and airway obstructions. This course has been approved by the NC State Board of Dental Examiners to meet the requirement (GS 90-233)for six hours of CE in medical emergencies.
Audience - Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Assistants, Dental Office Staff, and other interested dental professionals.
06/03/2024 Monday
10:00 AM

Assessments and Levels of Care in Tailored Care Management

This program will provide an overview of appropriate assessments needed to ensure behavioral health clients are receiving suitable treatment services. Clinical assessments requirements and various screening tools used to make referrals to the right level of care will be reviewed. Additionally, the training will provide an overview of different levels of care and available services for children, adolescents, and adults in our current behavioral health system.
Audience - AMH+ Primary Care Practices, Care Management Agencies (CMA), Addiction Professionals, Physicians, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, Public Health Professionals, Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Care Coordinators, Nurses, I/DD Providers, Social Workers, Case Managers and all interested behavioral health and healthcare professionals
06/04/2024 Tuesday
9:00 AM

Webinar (Live): The Data for Impact Training Series Session One: Quantitative Data

The Data for Impact Training Series and eLearning is designed for those who want to strengthen or expand their background in collecting, analyzing, and communicating population health data in support of healthy thriving communities. These interactive webinars will apply lessons learned through small-group exercises and discussions, giving participants opportunities to interact and learn from their peers. This series is appropriate for all knowledge and data skill-levels; however, we do request that you complete the required prerequisite eLearns to establish a baseline foundation in public health data. The conference planners have identified the following modules as background pre-work to read BEFORE the conference to assist in conference engagement. The Module for the respective topic and date is indicated below. We look forward to seeing you. Module 1, Basic Data Concepts for Quantitative Data on June 4 and June 6, 2024 Sources of Data (15 minutes) Basic Data Measures (20 minutes) Accuracy and Reliability (15minutes) Population Differences (10 minutes) Module 1 Evaluation
Audience - Public health professionals, administrators, nonprofits, those that gather and share community data and anyone that wants to strengthen or expand their background in collecting, analyzing and communicating population health data in support of healthy communities.
06/06/2024 Thursday
9:00 AM

How Supported Decision Making Can Enhance the Health of Individuals with Intellectual and other Developmental Disabilities

People with disabilities and their families often navigate multiple systems of care to address basic and complex health care needs. Supported Decision-Making (SDM) offers a person-centered approach that places the individual at the center of care and decision-making. This session will provide an overview of SDM models, tools, and best practices and application to healthcare and community life. Participants will have the opportunity to review examples of how SDM enables an individual to make informed choices that promote quality of life, self-determination, and optimal health.
Audience - AMH+ Primary Care Practices, Care Management Agencies (CMA), Addiction Professionals, Physicians, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, Public Health Professionals, Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Care Coordinators, Nurses, I/DD Providers, Social Workers, Case Managers and all interested behavioral health and healthcare professionals
06/07/2024 Friday
8:40 AM

Webinar (Live): SPICE North Carolina Infection Control Course: Outpatient Healthcare Setting - Filled
* Filled - Registration not open *

In North Carolina, every healthcare organization that performs invasive procedures, including injections, is required to designate an on-site staff person to receive infection control training and implement an infection control program. The approved infection control curriculum developed by SPICE prepares designated healthcare providers to implement the North Carolina rule, 10A NCAC 41A .0206 Infection Prevention – Healthcare Settings. Learners who complete this activity will be able to ensure and systematically assess that their facility has the appropriate infection prevention policies and procedures in place to allow healthcare personnel to provide safe patient care consistent with the NC communicable disease rule .0206.
Audience - Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses Office Managers and other healthcare professionals working in outpatient, nursing homes and public health departments
9:00 AM

Trauma and Recovery for Adults

About 7.7 million American adults experience PTSD in any given year’s time. This does not adequately capture the number of individuals who have experienced at least one trauma during their lifetime, may not meet the full criteria for PTSD yet are nonetheless impacted. When left untreated, the symptoms of PTSD and effects of trauma are unlikely to dissipate on their own and may increase the risk of developing chronic pain, depression, drug and alcohol abuse and sleep problems that interfere with one’s ability to work and have meaningful relationships. This workshop will explore the biopsychosocial effects of trauma and PTSD, components in the treatment of trauma that are vital to promote resiliency and recovery, as well as identify the importance of self-care as a helping professional working with trauma survivors. This workshop will discuss trauma in adult clients only.
Audience - This workshop will be highly beneficial to all mental health practitioners who work with adult clients who have experienced some sort of trauma. This includes social workers, psychologists, counselors, substance abuse professionals, nurses, case managers, adult clinicians, and therapists.
06/08/2024 Saturday
8:00 AM

3rd Annual Women's Health Conference: Across the Lifespan

This conference is designed to address the most current clinical challenges and medical conditions in caring for the female patient. The goal of this conference is to expand the awareness and medical knowledge of women’s health concerns, increase appropriate application of screening, prevention, management, and treatment options. Topics will include social determinants of obesity, the role of bariatric surgery in the treatment of obesity, lipid management in primary and secondary prevention, updates in diabetes management, orthopedic issues such as hip and knee osteoarthritis and treatment options, and mental health, body perception, and obesity in women.
Audience - Physicians in Obstetrics & Gynecology and Family Medicine, Advanced Practice Providers, Nurses, Case Managers, Health Educators, and other healthcare professionals involved with the care of women
06/11/2024 Tuesday
9:00 AM

Webinar (Live): The Data for Impact Training Series Session Two: Qualitative Data

The Data for Impact Training Series and eLearning is designed for those who want to strengthen or expand their background in collecting, analyzing, and communicating population health data in support of healthy thriving communities. These interactive webinars will apply lessons learned through small-group exercises and discussions, giving participants opportunities to interact and learn from their peers. This series is appropriate for all knowledge and data skill-levels; however, we do request that you complete the required prerequisite eLearns to establish a baseline foundation in public health data. The conference planners have identified the following modules as background pre-work to read BEFORE the conference to assist in conference engagement. The Module for the respective topic and date is indicated below. We look forward to seeing you. Module 2, Accessing and Evaluating Data for Qualitative Data on June 11 and June 13, 2024 Accessing Secondary Data (32 minutes) Evaluating Data Gaps Data (20 minutes) Module 2 Evaluation
Audience - Public health professionals, administrators, nonprofits, those that gather and share community data and anyone that wants to strengthen or expand their background in collecting, analyzing and communicating population health data in support of healthy communities.
06/12/2024 Wednesday
10:00 AM

Child Psychiatric Services and TCM

This program will provide an overview of child psychiatric services and discuss best practices for child psychiatric services. Types of available services and criteria for each will be reviewed (i.e. hospitalizations, outpatient child mental health, PRTFs, other placement options and criteria, and substance use services for child populations).
Audience - AMH+ Primary Care Practices, Care Management Agencies (CMA), Addiction Professionals, Physicians, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, Public Health Professionals, Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Care Coordinators, Nurses, I/DD Providers, Social Workers, Case Managers and all interested behavioral health and healthcare professionals
6:00 PM

Webinar (Live) OSHA and North Carolina Infection Control Methods: Annual Update

This course will present North Carolina infection control methods and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens regulations and infection control in dentistry. Details on operatory asepsis methods and materials will be highlighted. This course only meets OSHA’s requirement of annual BBP training. This program does NOT meet the Sterilization and Infection Control requirements to become a DA II.
Audience - Dentists, dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental laboratory technicians, DDS, DA, RDH
06/13/2024 Thursday
9:00 AM

HIPAA & NC Local Health Departments: 2024 Critical Updates

This one-day workshop will provide updates on HIPAA compliance issues for local health departments. The workshop will begin with a “back to basics” overview of the HIPAA regulatory landscape and HIPAA learning resources. The educational activity will include a detailed consideration of core topics including hybrid entity designation, breach response, individuals’ right of access to their protected health information (PHI), and disclosures of PHI to law enforcement.
Audience - This program is specifically tailored to North Carolina’s local health departments and intended for staff members who are directly involved with HIPAA-related responsibilities. Depending on space availability, other health care professionals interested in the topics may attend.
06/18/2024 Tuesday
9:00 AM

Webinar (Live): The Data for Impact Training Series Session Three: Communicating Data

The Data for Impact Training Series and eLearning is designed for those who want to strengthen or expand their background in collecting, analyzing, and communicating population health data in support of healthy thriving communities. These interactive webinars will apply lessons learned through small-group exercises and discussions, giving participants opportunities to interact and learn from their peers. This series is appropriate for all knowledge and data skill-levels; however, we do request that you complete the required prerequisite eLearns to establish a baseline foundation in public health data. The conference planners have identified the following modules as background pre-work to read BEFORE the conference to assist in conference engagement. The Module for the respective topic and date is indicated below. We look forward to seeing you. Module 3, Basics of Surveying for Communicating Data on June 18 and June 20, 2024 Survey Design Process (10 minutes) Collection Methods (20 minutes) Questionnaire Design (10 minutes) Module 3 Evaluation
Audience - Public health professionals, administrators, nonprofits, those that gather and share community data and anyone that wants to strengthen or expand their background in collecting, analyzing and communicating population health data in support of healthy communities.
07/22/2024 Monday
11:00 AM

Integrating Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) into Healthcare Curriculum: A 3-day intensive live webinar

The UNC Chapel Hill School of Nursing has integrated COIL into numerous healthcare courses and nursing faculty have developed tools and methods to measure success of COIL initiatives. This intensive three day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) principles, practical skills in COIL design and facilitation, and strategies for assessment and scholarly engagement. Through interactive sessions and hands-on activities, participants will be prepared to integrate COIL effectively into their healthcare education programs. Our speakers have the experience to train others on choosing partner institutions, creating innovative learning environments, and evaluating learning outcomes when integrating COIL into their curriculum. This program is supported through a collaboration between the Global Initiatives of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing and the NC AHEC Program.
Audience - Academic nurse educators and staff, healthcare educators, administrators, nursing students
08/15/2024 Thursday
8:00 AM

Optimizing Outcomes: Maternal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Summit
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

The United States faces a maternal health crisis as mortality rates continue to accelerate at an alarming pace. Many elements impact the increased risk of pregnancy complications that lead to maternal death, yet more than 80 percent of these deaths are considered preventable. Notably, racial and ethnic disparities exist as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities are at least two to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than White women. It is critical to acknowledge that mental and substance use disorders are common conditions that complicate the perinatal period and are currently the leading cause of maternal mortality. North Carolina is particularly affected, having reported disproportionate rates of pregnancy-related deaths from mental health conditions and injuries that are largely attributed to overdose. Moreover, discrimination is recorded as the most prevalent contributory factor. Through the efforts of NC MATTERS and the Optimizing Outcomes MMHSUD Summit, healthcare and public health professionals will be uniquely positioned to support a maternal health call to action. The purpose of this event is to provide relevant updates in maternal health screening and treatment options and elevate destigmatizing approaches to integrated care. Participants will have the opportunity to address real world scenarios by engaging in peer-to-peer sharing across varying perinatal care regions and utilizing group breakouts to develop practical work plans that will aid in practice change. Please note: Thursday is for the NC MATTERS Fellowship Program fellows only. Friday is open to all healthcare professionals. The conference is being held at DoubleTree by Hilton - Biltmore in Asheville, NC. Official summit brochure to come, including hotel/group rate information.
Audience - Physicians (OB/GYN, family medicine, primary care, psychiatry, specialists), advanced care practitioners, behavioral health and substance use professionals (psychologists, therapists, social workers, counselors), nurses, doulas and support teams, as well as others interested from across North Carolina
08/23/2024 Friday
8:30 AM

Supporting Families Through Infant Loss: Critical Challenges & Practical Solutions
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

This conference will address critical clinical issues impacting maternal and infant well-being across the healthcare continuum.
Audience - Physicians, Advanced Practice Providers, Nurses, Birthing Professionals, Social Workers, and other Healthcare Professionals
08/28/2024 Wednesday
9:00 AM

Parent Engagement & Involvement: African American Parents of K-8 Children

The largest academic achievement gap in the U.S. is between African American and White students. Parental engagement and involvement are two key factors that influence academic success and may help reduce the opportunity gap; however, traditional definitions and strategies used remain highly racially biased. It’s vitally important to expand the definitions of parental engagement and involvement. In addition, school staff need to be equipped to address barriers and enhance facilitators of parental engagement and involvement among African American parents of elementary and middle school students. The workshop will provide helpful themes of new definitions of parent engagement and parent involvement. During the training, the presenter will facilitate interactive exercises for professionals who support African American children and caregivers. Attendees will develop effective strategies for school policies and practices.
Audience - This program is intended for school administrators, social workers, counselors, teachers, service providers, and clinicians.
09/09/2024 Monday
10:00 AM

Current Trends, Risks, & Solutions for Adolescent Social Media Use

The advent of social media has changed the social landscape and influenced the way people connect, relate, and interact with one another. Research shows that teens and young adults report the heaviest social media use, and also the most detrimental effects as a result of social media use. In this 2 hour interactive Zoom training, participants will be provided with an overview of the latest statistics, trends, and research on adolescent social media use. Information about the potential harmful effects of excessive social media use to teens will also be presented, including specific impacts on social, emotional, and cognitive functioning. Tips on how to reduce the negative effects of social media and promote digital wellness and safety will be presented, as well as specific interventions for teens, parents, and families impacted.
Audience - Behavioral health counselors and those interested in the topic
09/11/2024 Wednesday
9:00 AM

Early Intervention in Psychotic Disorders: Promise and Challenge
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

This presentation will provide an overview of the development of early intervention teams for the treatment of psychotic disorders in North Carolina, including historical and policy context.
Audience - This workshop will be beneficial to social workers, counselors, mental health care providers, case managers, human service workers, and anyone who is interested in the topic.
09/13/2024 Friday
12:30 PM

The Carolinas and Tennessee 2024 Anesthesiology Conference

The Carolinas and Tennessee Anesthesiology 2024 Annual Meeting is designed to bring together anesthesiologists, CAAs, residents, fellows, medical students, anesthesia technicians and practice managers for a 3-day conference focused on clinical information, leadership and networking.
Audience - Anesthesiologists, Fellows, Residents, Certified Anesthesiologist Assistants, and Medical Students
09/14/2024 Saturday
8:00 AM

19th Annual Time is Brain: Advances in Stroke Care
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

We look forward to seeing you there!
Audience - Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists, Registered Nurses, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Case Managers, Social Workers, and other healthcare professionals who care for stroke patients
09/20/2024 Friday
9:00 AM

Shift the State, Change the Story: Applying Polyvagal Theory to Enhance Change
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

The focus of the workshop is on applying Polyvagal Theory when working with clients to enhance the coping skills they are being taught. When clients normalize their nervous system response, learn a greater understanding of their response, and apply skills to shift their states back to one of connection, their stories will change. The change in their story will open more internal resources to reach their desired goals. This program will provide an overview of the three states of the nervous system and how they are related to each other and the biology of the human being. Participants will be provided with a sample of how to map a nervous system and develop skills for each state. Experiential learning will be incorporated to leave participants with a felt sense of how the theory can shift us out of a state and change our story. Being able to manage emotions is indicative of success in recovery and applying skills with a deeper understanding will create improved outcomes.
Audience - Anyone working with clients to increase their ability to effectively use coping skills.
9:00 AM

Don’t You Forget About Me: Navigating the Trenches and Maintaining Our Purpose
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

This program focuses on identifying the effects of vicarious trauma and how this impacts one’s work. Participants will identify how their behaviors and communication methods contribute to or hinder the work environment. Presenters will review strategies to improve resiliency, stress management and teach ways to cope with traumatic experiences in the workplace setting. In learning how one’s own traumatic experiences impact their work, healthcare providers can be more trauma-informed and be better able to respond to workplace stress and patient care. Additionally, providers will learn various resiliency skills to reduce burnout.
Audience - This program is designed for healthcare professionals across all disciplines.
10/09/2024 Wednesday
9:00 AM

Working with Older Adults with Serious Mental Illness: Opportunities and Challenges

This program will review the experience of aging for people living with serious mental illness, their health and social needs, evidence-based strategies for meeting those needs, and associated opportunities and challenges. Skill level: Intermediate
Audience - The target audience for this program includes psychiatrists, clinical social workers, psychologists, nurses, counselors, primary care providers, peer support specialists and other mental health workers.
10/18/2024 Friday
8:30 AM

15th Annual Clinical Lab Day
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

Join us this fall for a one-day conference focused on you! We are all partners in public health, and the XXth Annual Clinical Lab Day highlights the many collaborations that are key for disease monitoring and response in North Carolina and beyond. This event is co-sponsored by the NC State Laboratory of Public Health and the NC Public Health Association.
10/19/2024 Saturday
8:00 AM

30th Annual Thomas B. Dameron Jr. Orthopaedic Conference - EMERGING TRENDS IN ORTHOPAEDICS A Look at Current Treatment Options for Musculoskeletal Care
* Closed - Registration not open *

The purpose of the 29th Annual Dameron Lectureship in Orthopaedics is to assist primary care providers in managing common afflictions of the musculoskeletal system. Join us as we focus on core competence-based sessions that will be immediately useful to primary care providers and facilitate more efficient assessments of patients for better outcomes. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn from interactive demonstrations on musculoskeletal examination techniques.
Audience - Physicians in Internal Medicine and Family Practice, Advanced Practice Providers, Nurses, and Physical Therapists
10/22/2024 Tuesday
9:00 AM

Differential Diagnosis and Comorbidity in ASD

This workshop will discuss differential diagnosis and comorbidity in individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As the range of individuals diagnosed with autism has expanded, so has the complexity of differentiating autism from other developmental and mental health disorders that also have impairments in communication and social skills and other behavior. In addition, studies have indicated that 70% of autistic individuals also have co-occurring developmental or mental health difficulties. This presentation will highlight the overlap as well as the distinct features of autism versus other diagnoses, and share current research on which are the most frequent co-occurring developmental and mental health diagnoses.
Audience - Licensed Professional Counselors, Public Health Professionals, Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, School-based personnel, Care Coordinators, Case Managers, Allied Health Staff, Social workers, Therapists and Clinicians working with children, adolescents, adults, Individuals working with the IDD population, All interested mental health professionals
10/23/2024 Wednesday
10:00 AM

Applications of Jungian Archetypes to Assessment & Treatment

Archetypes were a major focus of Carl Jung’s contributions to the field of psychology, and provide a descriptive analysis of the different ‘parts’ of the self within each person. Jungian archetypes provide a deeper understanding of the innate fears, desires, and goals that drive human nature. This three hour interactive Zoom training will introduce participants to the 12 Jungian archetypes and explore different applications of this model in therapy. Participants will learn how to apply archetypes in individual and family or couples therapy to help clients deepen their self-awareness and initiate positive changes in their behavior, life, and relationships. The HMI archetypal assessment tool will be presented in this training, with tips on how to use this tool to help identify and resolve inner conflicts, improve relationships, and reach important goals inside and outside of treatment.
Audience - Behavioral health counselors and those interested in the topic
10/24/2024 Thursday
8:30 AM

The GATE Model: An Interactive Tool for Addictions Risk Assessment

Working with individuals and families suffering from addictive illness has become increasingly challenging, as professionals operate within a patchwork quilt of public, private, and community resources that often lack coordination. In response to the national opioid crisis, the task of finding a common language between clinicians, agencies, clients, and support systems is increasingly important for treatment outcomes. The GATE Model is a user-friendly, interactive, graphic tool that enhances the options available to the professional, for the assessment of clients in diverse settings, for risk of addiction. Developed for the Master of Social Work curriculum of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, School of Social Work, the GATE Model simplifies the process of identifying needs and allocating resources, within the continuum of care. The visual impact of the GATE Model increases the accessibility of the clinician’s observations, strengthening the motivation of clients and families to accept recommended interventions. Patterns of addictive illness are familiar to professionals in treatment settings, who have witnessed different versions of the same dynamic, again and again, and the GATE Model captures the clinician’s unique view. Participants will consider the Syndrome Model (Shaffer, et al, 2004), as they examine the GATE Model’s focus on Genetics, Access, Trauma, and Environment, in the dynamics of observed risk factors for addiction. Practical applications of the GATE Model will be explored, with emphasis on assessment and treatment planning.
Audience - This program is for all Health and Human Services Professionals, Educators, Guidance Counselors, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, Case Managers, those in the Criminal Justice System, Armed Forces, Program Developers, Grant Writers, and any other interested persons.
11/06/2024 Wednesday
9:00 AM

Working with Families: Intervention Skills & Techniques 2-Day

We cannot not work with families. The influence of family on who we are, what we do, and who we become is ubiquitous and inevitable. But how do we work with families effectively? What is a useful framework for family work, and what do we actually do in a family session? Join us for a fun, fast-paced, experiential workshop where you will learn tangible, well-tested concepts and methods for working with families. This workshop utilizes interactive discussion and experiential activities to introduce family systems theory and practice family intervention skills and techniques. Participants will receive an overview of the over-arching philosophy and approach behind the systemic, strategic, and structural methods for treating families developed by Dr. John T. Edwards. Join us for an inspiring, hands-on experience that will build your confidence in the art and science of working with families.
Audience - This workshop benefits counselors in the field of human services who are committed to working with families to help clients achieve their dreams, aka, treatment goals.
11/13/2024 Wednesday
9:00 AM

Ethics in a Changing Behavioral Health Environment

This workshop will compare and contrast the ethical codes of multiple behavioral health disciplines (counseling, psychology, and social work) and public health. Using case review and discussion, we will review common ethical challenges and strategies to address them, with attention to changes in healthcare brought about by the COVID19 pandemic.
Audience - Clinicians, case managers, social workers, counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, educators, advocates, health, and human service practitioners
11/14/2024 Thursday
9:00 AM

Complex Cases in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

This presentation provides an overview of factors making the diagnosis and treatment of ASD more complex, including differential diagnosis, considerations for treatment, and best practices.
Audience - Licensed Professional Counselors, Public Health Professionals, Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, School-based personnel, Care Coordinators, Case Managers, Allied Health Staff, Social workers, Therapists and Clinicians working with children, adolescents, adults, Individuals working with the IDD population, All interested mental health professionals
12/03/2024 Tuesday
6:00 PM

OSHA and North Carolina Infection Control Methods
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

This course will present North Carolina infection control methods and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens regulations and infection control in dentistry. Details on operatory asepsis methods and materials will be highlighted. **In order to be actively engaged with the speaker, you are encouraged to keep your cameras on throughout the program.**
Audience - Dentists, dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental laboratory technicians, DDS, DA, RDH

Elder Abuse Part 1 Foundations and Screening

** Webcast ** According to the 2020 Census, over 40 million Americans are over age 65. Unfortunately, about 10% of elderly patients and up to 30% of disabled patients experience neglect and abuse from caregivers. Many of these cases are missed in healthcare due to lack of knowledge and pathways for response. These sessions will provide general education on elder/vulnerable adult abuse as well as information on screening and reporting requirements. (Expiration date with potential for renewal: June 30, 2023.) None of the planners or speakers for this educational activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose with ineligible companies.

Elder Abuse Part 2 Reporting and Documentation

** Webcast ** According to the 2020 Census, over 40 million Americans are over age 65. Unfortunately, about 10% of elderly patients and up to 30% of disabled patients experience neglect and abuse from caregivers. Many of these cases are missed in healthcare due to lack of knowledge and pathways for response. These sessions will provide general education on elder/vulnerable adult abuse as well as information on screening and reporting requirements. (Expiration date with potential for renewal: June 30, 2023.) None of the planners or speakers for this educational activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose with ineligible companies.

Controlled Substance Prescribing Module 1: Prescribing Controlled Substances in North Carolina

** Webcast ** *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. The course is targeted to refine the basics of opioid prescribing. Participants will develop a working understanding of the NARxCHECK Score and Overdose Score and understand how these scores are to be used in patient encounters and clinical decision-making. The course provides insights on more effective use and understanding of the NCCSRS system also known as the PDMP Aware system, as a resource in guiding care for those prescribed opiates, sedatives and stimulant medications. The learner will be instructed in the distinction between a treatment agreement and a treatment contract, understanding the benefits and disadvantages of each. Naloxone education and prescribing is reinforced to support risk mitigation and improved practice. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint provider have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Controlled Substance Prescribing Module 2: Recognizing Signs of Substance Misuse

** Webcast ** *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This course will equip the participant to identify signs of substance misuse in the context of patient encounters. Communication skills that facilitate non-stigmatizing discussions of substance misuse are shared to empower effective exploration of opioid use disorder, polysubstance use disorder, diversion, addiction. Surveys will be shared to facilitate gathering objective metrics of functional capacity. Course completion will equip attendees to expand their clinical skills and differential diagnoses in support of identification of substance use disorder and facilitating screening and referral. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners or speakers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Controlled Substance Prescribing Module 3: Best Practices in Chronic Pain Management and Safe Opioid Prescribing

** Webcast ** *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This educational activity is designed to equip physician, physician assistants and nurse practitioners in the fundamentals of assessing patients with chronic pain to determine the role of opioid and non-opioid treatment strategies. Specific non-opioid alternatives will be reviewed and include a discussion of the mechanism of action to guide selection based on clinical considerations. Opioid initiation, selection, dosage, assessment for safety and efficacy are reviewed as well as approaches to weaning opioids when safety is a concern or are of limited benefit. Knowing when to refer is a component of good care and this will also be discussed. Integration of the biopsychosocial model in consideration of developing an approach to care is integrated into the module. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners or speakers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Intimate Partner Violence Foundations and Screening (Session 1)

**Webcast** Intimate partner violence (IPV) has only become more widely accepted as a healthcare issue within the last several years and is a prevalent health challenge. With limited time and resources, integrating IPV into primary care can be challenging for many healthcare providers. A crucial step in IPV management in outpatient care should increase knowledge and awareness and provide effective resources for addressing the health and safety impacts of IPV. Better identification, screening and management of IPV allows healthcare clinicians to provide optimal care and improve health outcomes for the survivor. Join us for three comprehensive webinars that will provide overall IPV education, screening tools, reporting requirements, resources and more. (Expiration date with potential for renewal: June 30, 2023.) None of the planners or speakers for this educational activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose with ineligible companies.

Intimate Partner Violence - Best Practices in Intimate Partner Response (Session 2)

**Webcast** Intimate partner violence (IPV) has only become more widely accepted as a healthcare issue within the last several years and is a prevalent health challenge. With limited time and resources, integrating IPV into primary care can be challenging for many healthcare providers. A crucial step in IPV management in outpatient care should increase knowledge and awareness and provide effective resources for addressing the health and safety impacts of IPV. Better identification, screening and management of IPV allows healthcare clinicians to provide optimal care and improve health outcomes for the survivor. Join us for three comprehensive webinars that will provide overall IPV education, screening tools, reporting requirements, resources and more. (Expiration date with potential for renewal: June 30, 2023.) None of the planners or speakers for this educational activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose with ineligible companies.

Intimate Partner Violence - Creating a Culture of Care for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (Session 3)

**Webcast** Intimate partner violence (IPV) has only become more widely accepted as a healthcare issue within the last several years and is a prevalent health challenge. With limited time and resources, integrating IPV into primary care can be challenging for many healthcare providers. A crucial step in IPV management in outpatient care should increase knowledge and awareness and provide effective resources for addressing the health and safety impacts of IPV. Better identification, screening and management of IPV allows healthcare clinicians to provide optimal care and improve health outcomes for the survivor. Join us for three comprehensive webinars that will provide overall IPV education, screening tools, reporting requirements, resources and more. (Expiration date with potential for renewal: June 30, 2023.) None of the planners or speakers for this educational activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose with ineligible companies.

Spring Forward with HPV Vaccination: Working Towards Improving HPV Vaccination Rates and Reducing HPV-Related Cancers in North Carolina

**Webcast** This educational activity is designed to equip medical providers, nurses, pharmacist, dental and public health professionals, health educators, and other health care team members with current data, evidence-based practices and strategies to effectively counsel parents about HPV vaccinations for their children and increase vaccination rates in the health care setting. Additionally, participants will learn about the impact of HPV related cancer such as cervical and head/neck cancers that can occur in adults. (Expiration date with potential for renewal: June 30, 2023.)

Supporting Professional Resilience: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Well-Being of Healthcare Workers and Patients

**Webcast** In this training, we will explore the concept of burnout and compassion fatigue within healthcare careers and the ethical implications for our professional and personal lives. We will center our discussion around the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased stress felt by healthcare professionals in managing personal and professional demands within a changing practice landscape. We will review indicators of burnout among healthcare professionals, strategies for building professional self-awareness as a healthcare provider, and approaches for addressing the impact of burnout in personal and professional domains. We will also examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patient well-being and identify behavioral health indicators of stress and overwhelm among patients seeking medical care. We will review practical strategies for healthcare providers to use in reducing patient stress level and supporting patient well-being.

Cultivating Resilience in Challenging Times: Strategies for Education Professionals

** Webcast ** In this workshop, we will explore the topic of resilience for professionals working in education settings. The presentation will examine current research amid the COVID-19 pandemic and will include new strategies and tools for educators to improve individual capacities to monitor and address symptoms of compassion fatigue and burnout. We will “get real” about self-care and wellness by exploring individual and systemic barriers to balancing demanding professional roles with the many personal stressors present during the past few years. We will also examine signs of stress and overwhelm among students and identify how education professionals can intervene to support student well-being. Through discussion, video clips, and engaging activities, participants will join in an important dialogue about prioritizing self-care and resilience in the real world.

Self-Study: Psychosocial Interventions for Older Adults with Serious Mental Illness

** Self-Study ** The guide will provide an overview of current approaches and challenges to supporting older adults with severe mental illness in recovery. Current effectiveness of various evidence-based practices and a guide to implementing coordinated care will be reviewed. Providers will learn explore considerations and strategies when working with interdisciplinary teams that can best support older adults with serious mental illness.

Self-Study: Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic Violence

** Self-Study ** The articles provided in this program will review types of domestic violence, signs and symptoms, screening and referrals and important considerations for treatment planning when domestic violence and substance use are involved. Crisis and safety planning best practices will also be explored.

Self-Study: Prevention and Treatment of HIV Among People Living with Substance Use and/or Mental Health Disorders

** Self-Study ** This guide goes through prevention strategies, updates on the latest research and statistics when it comes to HIV among people with substance use and mental health disorders, and go into evidence-based treatments for this population. Resources for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment will also be discussed.

Self-Study: Treating Concurrent Substance Use in Adults

** Self-Study ** This program will review the Evidence Based Resource Guide for Treating Concurrent Substance Use in Adults. This guide will look at the statistics and treads, potential outcomes and specific needs of individuals using more than one substance. Considerations and strategies for adding concurrent substance use (CDU) and concurrent substance use disorders (CSUD) will be explored.

A Trauma Informed Approach to Everyday Practice

** Webcast ** This webinar is designed for behavioral health providers (social workers, psychologists, case managers, peer support specialists, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.) that possess an understanding of the potential impacts of trauma exposure, and want to engage trauma informed approaches in the day-to-day hustle of the work environment. This session will focus on practical considerations for applying a trauma informed approach to patients, coworkers, and oneself. Case examples and participant discussion will drive the development of ideas for intentional use of TIC in everyday practice.

Trauma Informed Care: A Focus on De-escalation Skills

** Webcast ** This webinar is designed for behavioral health providers (social workers, psychologists, case managers, peer support specialists, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.) that possess an understanding of the potential impacts of trauma exposure, and seek to improve their ability to respond to such patients’ associated challenging behaviors. When clinical interactions are paired with overactive nervous systems, and stressful or unfamiliar circumstances, behaviors may undermine treatment or actively contribute to retraumatization for patient, provider, or witness. Having a proactive approach incorporating de-escalation skills is a trauma informed strategy, and this session will provide direction on both the individual and organizational level.

Importance of Collecting Industry and Occupation Data

** Webcast ** The industry and occupation data collection training series is designed for health professionals who want to strengthen and expand their background in collecting industry and occupation data. This is program 1 of 3

Child & Adolescent Therapy: Evidenced Based Practices & More

** Webcast ** In this training, participants will learn the difference between at least four different evidenced based practices to use with child/adolescent therapy clients and how these modalities are different than serving adult clients. Participants will also be able to identify which child/adolescent therapy clients may benefit from these modalities, and how they can ethically utilize these modalities in their practices.

Increasing Industry and Occupation Survey Return Rates

** Webcast ** The industry and occupation data collection training series is designed for health professionals who want to strengthen and expand their background in collecting industry and occupation data. This is program 3 of 3

Rules for Reporting and Coding Industry and Occupation Items

** Webcast ** The industry and occupation data collection training series is designed for health professionals who want to strengthen and expand their background in collecting industry and occupation data. This is program 2 of 3

Adolescent Health and NC Law: Update 2023

** Webcast ** The purpose of this webinar is to provide current information about NC Public Health Law as it pertains to issues such as consent and confidentiality for adolescent health care. Topics will include the types of health services for which a minor can consent, the confidentiality of a minor’s health information, mandatory reporting requirements for healthcare professionals to include legal responsibilities for reporting suspected adolescent abuse and more. (June 30th - annual review date)

DEA* Addiction In Primary Care (Recorded Webinars)

** Webcast ** *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This course will review the current state of substance use disorder in North Carolina, review the guidelines for screening for substance use disorder and discuss tools for screening and diagnosing opioid use disorder. Discussion on UNC’s clinic's journey to embed OUD treatment in primary care while highlighting QI principles as a tool to effect practice change. Finally, case discussions will be presented to teach the application of harm reduction in primary care opioid use disorder treatment along with providing practical resource tools to provide MOUD in primary care. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* Treating Chronic Pain and Addiction

** Webcast ** *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This lecture reviews the strategies available for treatment of patients with both chronic pain as well as opioid use disorder and explores best practices in non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment, including the use of opioid analgesics. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* Responding to Pediatric Substance Use

** Webcast ** *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This session will review national and NC youth substance use trends, provide an overview of pediatric screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment algorithm with specific focus on approaches to brief interventions. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* The End of a Bygone Era: Removal of the X-wavier. Next Steps in Buprenorphine Prescribing

** Webcast ** *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This presentation will discuss the opioid epidemic and it’s impact in North Carolina, plus focus on how the changes in the illicit drug supply has impacted treatment for opioid use disorder. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* Understanding the Impacts of Stigma: Substance Use Disorder

** Webcast ** This presentation will discuss the impacts of stigma relating to Substance Use Disorder (SUD). *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* Addiction and Mental Illness

** Webcast ** The presentation addresses epidemiology and causal relationships involved in co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders. Recommendations are provided regarding clinical management and communicating effectively with patients experiencing these co-morbidities. *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* The Impact of Stigma and Bias on Substance Use Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment

** Webcast ** This presentation will educate providers on common stigmas patients experience when seeking treatment for substance abuse. Providers will also learn about how systemic biases lead to disparate treatment outcomes and begin to discuss different ways providers can intervene to promote equitable treatment. *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* Current State of MOUD Access

** Webcast ** This presentation will provide information on the recent federal changes to prescribing buprenorphine, access issues at the community pharmacy level and strategies for prescribing. *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

NC Public Health Law Overview and Update 2023

** Webcast ** This webinar will address the current state of Public Health Law in North Carolina. Key topics will include the concept of preemption, remedies for enforcing public health laws and resources available for local health departments. In addition, the duty in NC to report situations in which there is a potential need for protective services for disabled and or older adults will be explored. (June 30th - annual review date)

Identifying Dangerous Personality Disorders in Clinical Settings & Understanding the Risks

** Webcast ** Each mental illness carries unique characteristics and risk factors, and understanding these signs and symptoms is necessary in order to accurately diagnose, triage, and treat clients with these disorders. Personality disorders are among the most severe, chronic, and impairing kinds of mental illness and can be among the most difficult to accurately diagnose and treat. Included on this list are borderline personality disorder (BPD), narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), and antisocial personality disorder (APSD). Understanding these specific Cluster B personality disorders is important because they’re the most commonly encountered, and also because of the disorder-specific personal and professional risks associated with treating these populations. In this 3 hour recorded training, participants will learn the signs and symptoms of these ‘dangerous personalities’, as well as the specific risks associated with each. Clinical best practices for treating each will be reviewed, as well as practical safeguards clinicians can implement to reduce their personal and professional risk when working with these populations.

Self-Study: Adapting Evidence-Based Practices for Under-Resourced Populations - * Coming Soon, Registration not open *

** Self-Study ** It is important for providers to understand how to tailor care, programs and services to best meet the needs of their patient’s cultural, social, gender, and other demographic contexts. Communities and individuals benefit when they receive behavioral health services that are clinically proven effective, equitable, and culturally appropriate. This program reviews SAMSHA’s approved evidence-based practices, identifies models to determine when and how to adapt an evidence-based practice, and provides examples on how adaptation of these models has worked with under-resourced populations.
Wake AHEC Health Careers Program Listing
06/17/2024 Monday

Virtual Mini-Medical School Camp-Summer 2024

Wake AHEC’s Mini-Medical School Summer Camp, Virtual Edition, is a live, intensive, week-long online camp that uses hands-on activities to study key aspects of medicine. Topics include anatomy & physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, health careers round table, and CPR instruction among others. (Please note due to the online nature of the program, this is CPR instruction, but not a certification.) Students must have strong motivation to learn and an interest in health careers.
Audience - 9th-12th graders
07/15/2024 Monday

2024 Mini Medical School in Granville County (Creedmoor)

What would it be like to train for a career in the medical field? Wake AHEC’s Mini-Medical School Summer Camp, in conjunction with Vance-Granville Community College, is an intensive, week-long day camp that uses computational science (computer simulation) and hands-on activities (dissection) to study key aspects of medicine. Topics include anatomy & physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, neurology, cardiology, mental health, epidemiology, medical genetics, and genomics. In addition, students will become CPR certified and participate in basic first-aid scenarios. Participants must have strong motivation to learn and an interest in health careers.
Audience - Grades rising 10-12 (and recently-graduated class of 2024)